16 February 2014

PINK-NECKED GREEN PIGEONS ( Treron vernans/Punai Kerichau)

I have shot photos of  a lot of pigeons so far which include Mountain Imperial Pigeons and varieties of Rock Pigeons, but i have never seen such a colorful pigeon like the Pink-necked Green-pigeon ( Treron vernans or Punai Kericau in local name).

My last trip to the Fraser's Hill during the 2014 Chinese New Year only resulted in shots of the Mountain Imperial Pigeons as shown in my previous post, as i did not come across any Pink-necked Green-pigeons.  I am very sure they are there somewhere on the hill but i just did not have any luck. 

Luck plays a crucial role in a successful birding session apart from skills to search, detect and photographing the birds. If you are not there at the right spot and time you will just miss the action. Talking about luck, my luck was great yesterday as the Pink-necked Green-pigeon which i could not find up on the Fraser's Hill showed up just outside my window nesting in the Palm trees and another tree near the swimming pool, i just could not believe my eyes! There were four of them(two couples) nesting and resting in the trees. These wild pigeons are usually found near and in the forest, and as my condominium is in the middle of Kuala Lumpur it is considered rare, and since they appeared right outside my window i considered Lady Luck finally is smiling down on me. I suspected the new construction of three blocks of condominium in the neighboring land right across my condominium has something to do with their appearance as the big piece of land was a secondary jungle before the construction and the pigeons could have made the jungle their home. Poor them that they have now lost their habitat and have to move, but they are welcome to make the trees in front of my window their nests, now i can do birding right from my bedroom and living room without driving my car. I hope the other residents do not scare them away.

So i grabbed my 5Dmk3 and took a few shots of both couples, surprisingly they were not scarred at all as i was using my flash as the light was not great in the late afternoon around 6.30pm. One of the birds seemed to be half blind which is a pity. Below are the shots taken for your viewing:

This male Pink-necked Green-pigeon is blind in the right eye

Female Green-pigeon with pink eye-ring

Male above, female below

The male has pink-neck and orange breast

Female nesting in the palm tree

Another couple in a different tree

Hope you like the photos, till next time happy birding. 

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