5 May 2014

BLACK-NAPED ORIOLE(Oriolos chinensis/Burung Kunyit Besar)

Date: 1 May 2014
Place: Berjaya Hill, Pahang

For me this species is one of the most difficult to photograph as they are very intelligent and shy. They can spot you approaching their hideout from a hundred feet away and fly away to another spot as you get close. I have not had much luck to get good tack sharp photos of this species because i could not get close enough. 

Maybe i need a longer lens than the Canon EF400mm f5.6 L lens like the Canon EF600mm f4.0 IS L lens but still i think is not long enough because i used the Canon 5DMk3 full frame body. Using the crop body like the Canon 7D would add 60% reach but noise level during low light would make the photo unusable. Unless i can get my hand on a Canon1DMk4 body (1.3x) which is popular due to its fast AF and low light image quality i will get a better image quality of these Orioles. Unfortunately Canon has stopped producing them because they are replacing them with a full frame 1DX bodies as their flagship model. The only ones available are the old stock and pre-used bodies which are still expensive.

These photos are noisy by my standards but i will post them anyway until i can get better photos the next time. 

Enjoy viewing.

High up in the tree it perched

Then suddenly it jumped to the next branch

Walla! New perching spot

Then it noticed me and started to hide, smart!

Thinking of flying away?

Nahhh...you are no threat to me, i just perch for a while

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