25 February 2015


Hi birders.

I am sitting here in my office feeling bored because everything seems to slow down during the Chinese New Year celebration, work wise i mean. You know what i mean, some clients and consultants are not back from their respective home towns and are still on holiday, even my boss is still on holiday.

I have just come back from Fraser's Hill on Monday(23 Feb) on a day trip which lasted only a few hours, not enough to produce anything significant. But i did manage to get a few photos of Green-billed Malkoha which i posted earlier. The spot that i chose at a bend along Jalan Air Terjun near a utility building with high fencing, was very productive and lively with a few species spotted at the same time. Other than the Malkoha, the others were Olive-backed lesser nape Woodpeckers, Black-browed Barbets, Crimson-chest Oriole, Sultan Tits, Chestnut laughing-thrush, Long-tailed Sibia, and some flycatchers. The day was really overcast with thunder clouds above so the lighting was not very good, even when using the Canon EX600RT flash with extender i did not get good results especially when using the Sigma 150-500mm lens. The Sigma lens are known to be soft at the long end. What i managed to get (only realized after reaching home) was two leech bites on my legs, duhh never happened before in my life! Oh well there is a first for everything.

Anyways, one thing i noticed though when the bird wave came all around me and i started shooting rapidly, the battery started to drain very fast. I was using a third-party LP-E6 equivalent(China brand) with a claimed 2100mAh bought at around RM130, because the original one by Canon is so expensive at around RM350 a piece!! I have a few of those third-party as back-up batteries. Nowadays, you can get one for around RM80 at 1600mAh rating by Phottix, which have no issues with the original charger or the camera body reporting.(as a matter of fact i am waiting for 4 nos of Phottix Titan batteries i ordered on line from Shashinki.Com to arrive while writing this post). I am digressing, sorry.

So, there i was scrambling for a new battery in my back-pack inside the back of my Honda SUV while those birds were hopping and jumping from branch to branch, the woodpeckers climbing the tree trunks - madness! By the time i replaced a new battery most of them were gone! I was cursing at my self for missing the opportunity to photograph my target species that day - the woodpeckers. I was saying to myself, i should have bought a battery grip so i have two batteries available for this kind of occasion. In birding, you will only have a few seconds to get that shot of any particular species, they come and go very fast during a wave. For every one good shot you probably wasted 10 lousy ones.

The thing is before this trip i did order online a battery grip but it was out of stock. I ordered an E-11 Vertax battery grip for my 5DMark3 by Pixel which retail for RM328, since the original Canon BG-E11 was so expensive at RM899! I thought i would give a try since the Vertax got good reviews from users on the net, and at RM328 i would not lose much if i decided i did not like using a battery grip. To be fair the canon original BG-E11 was more expensive because it has a magnesium shell and weather sealing to match the 5DMark3 body, while the third-party battery grips do not have these features.

Pixel Vertax BG-E11. Image from Pixel.

Some people say that having a battery grip with two batteries inside adds a significant weight(400grammes +) to the already heavy set-up especially with a long lens attached to a solid body like a 5DMark3. However, i feel that this will not be an issue if you use a tripod. The heavier body plus a battery grip will counter the weight of a long lens, even when hand carried. The other good thing is that in portrait mode you do not have to twist your hand awkwardly to take a shot because there are duplicate buttons for shutter, a multi-controller for selecting and changing AF point, AE/AF lock , AF start button and main dial. The only thing that i am worried about is the gap in between the bottom of the camera body and the battery grip which does not have a rubber gasket to prevent any water seapage when exposed to rain. Water can get into the battery grip compartment and also the camera battery compartment if not protected properly. I think whatever the manufacturer's claims are regarding the weather sealing we must use our wisdom not to use it any conditions other than a very light drizzle.

After Monday's trip to the Fraser's Hill, i decided to bite the bullet and go for the Canon original BG-E11 battery grip and cancel the Pixel battery grip even though i think the price is ridiculously high for the Canon grip. I figured that the extra toughness of the shell and weather sealing(if any good) will help me in the long run.

A got a phone call from Shashinki today that they are going to deliver my Phottix Titan LP-E6 batteries and the Canon BG-E11 battery grip that i ordered tomorrow(26 Feb). I am very excited to try them out and will post my feedback later in another post.

Happy birding.


Place: Jalan Air Terjun, Fraser's Hill
Date: 23 February 2015
Time: 3.00 p.m

18 February 2015


A couple of weeks ago i went to the Fraser's Hill to look for more species to add to my photo collection of birds. While scanning the forest with my Bushnell binocular this little cute little bird flew and landed on a tree right in front of me. Snap..snap..snap..got you!

Here are the pictures of this little Unidentified Flying Object(UFO) for your viewing. I am not sure what species it belongs to, could be Bulbul but i have never seen one with a  blue patch on the wings and that kind of tail. Maybe you guys have some idea and can email me, appreciate the help, thanks.

To all my Chinese friends and birders out there, Gong Xi Fa Cai. Thanks for viewing.

UPDATE( 2 June 2015): I think this bird is most propably a Blue-winged Minla adult.