18 February 2015


A couple of weeks ago i went to the Fraser's Hill to look for more species to add to my photo collection of birds. While scanning the forest with my Bushnell binocular this little cute little bird flew and landed on a tree right in front of me. Snap..snap..snap..got you!

Here are the pictures of this little Unidentified Flying Object(UFO) for your viewing. I am not sure what species it belongs to, could be Bulbul but i have never seen one with a  blue patch on the wings and that kind of tail. Maybe you guys have some idea and can email me, appreciate the help, thanks.

To all my Chinese friends and birders out there, Gong Xi Fa Cai. Thanks for viewing.

UPDATE( 2 June 2015): I think this bird is most propably a Blue-winged Minla adult.

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