11 August 2015


Kuala Perlis is a seaside town famous for seafood and as one of the nearest towns to take the ferry to go to the island of Langkawi. It is also famous for its Belacan (shrimp paste) used as one of the main ingredients in Malay dishes, produced by the folks in the villages located along the beachfront. The beach is not much to talk about as by nature it is muddy, not the type you would want to spent hours sun bathing or swimming.

But the beach attracts different kind of tourists - shorebirds. On many occasions  during my fishing trips i saw many species like Terns, Seagulls, Sandpipers, Plovers, Egrets, Little Herons, and Kingfishers on the beach and mangrove trees.

This time i drove with my youngest daughter Soraya during noon through the main road along the beach to see what species showed up during this time of the year. It was low tide and the muddy beach was pretty much exposed. My drive covered the distance from Kuala Perlis town to Kampung Sungai Berembang and back.

A floating mosque and a restaurant of Kuala Perlis town can be seen from quite a distance away
A muddy flat exposed during low tide, Langkawi Island in the background

One of the small islands about a kilometer away at sea

As it was noon and the weather was quite hot, not many species showed up saved for Egrets and Little Herons

Little Heron

Juvenile Little Heron

Little Heron in flight

Braking and landing

I was kind of disappointed that i did not get to photograph other species on that day but hey who can figure out those birds, their movements and migration etc, can you? I hope to be more successful the next time i visit Kuala Perlis, if not i will just have to treat myself with fresh seafood dinner in one of those restaurants facing the sea so i do not feel so bad.

Thanks for reading and till next time happy birding.

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