29 September 2015


Hi all birders.

I have just arrived from Fraser's Hill after spending a few days there (26-29 Sept.15). I am tired after a two hours drive through thick haze and heavy rain downhill, but i am excited to put up a new post to show you all what i managed to photograph while i was there.

I have to tell you all that the trip was almost a disaster due to thick haze blanketing the hill top. It smelled awful and visibility was very bad. I could not spend time outside longer than an hour before my chest started to feel bad. As a matter of fact i spent more hours inside my hotel room than outside. Now we all know who are responsible for the haze, so i will not get into it right now because it does not make any difference what my opinions are, they will fall on deaf ears on the other side of the Straits of Malacca.

The thick haze reduced the visibility to a short distance, it was hard to focus.

Now, i was just wondering whether anybody has done any studies on the effect of thick haze on birds. Does it affect their behavior in any way, do they come out less to look for food, or do they just migrate when it gets so bad? I am asking these questions because i noticed a drop in the number of birds, however certain species like Swifts could not be bothered, there were many of them flying actively. Does the haze affect the insects population which is food to most birds? One thing for sure as it is the birds population is getting less and less in the Fraser's Hill, and the haze will make it worse. So i hope the government better start to kick some ass to solve this problem which has been around for so many years.

Anyway, i managed to photograph 15 species during the three days i was there, some i have captured before, some i have spotted but did not photograph or the photos not worth to be posted. So i am going to post them as and when i completed the editing because it takes time and energy, tonite i have just ran out of energy and need to sleep badly, i had a problem sleeping in the hotel.

So, good night and enjoy my next posts.

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