7 July 2018


Location: Pulau Kapas, Terengganu
Date: 19 June 2018

Last Eid I took my family to visit Pulau Kapas in Terengganu for an introduction to snorkeling and island trekking. Birding was not even on the agenda but I still brought with me my dslr and a shorter Canon 70-300mm L lens just in case I felt like shooting a few bird photos. I was surprised that there were not many birds on this island, not to my expectation that is. There were a few White-bellied sea eagle around the jetty, common Myna near the chalets, a few Black-naped Orioles and sunbirds. I was expecting a lot of seabirds like Terns but none showed up in the side of the island I was staying. Apparently I was told by my kids that they were present on the opposite side of the island facing the open sea and I have to take a boat to photograph them. Since I only stayed there for two nights I did not have time to do that, maybe next time when I could stay longer. 

Anyways, below are a few photos of Pied Imperial Pigeons which I took from the veranda of my chalet facing the hills. They were quite far away about 400 meters, so the images below were heavily cropped since I was using just the Canon 70-300mm L lens. One thing I learned from this trip is always bring my longest available lens, in case I need them for the long shot. However, lugging all my equipments on a speedboat in choppy sea was quite risky as the saltwater spray could damage my equipments. The solution: waterproof sling bag, the next time I take a trip there.

It is quite interesting to explore islands for my next birding trips as I may add my record shots of new species to my collection. My wife and kids are already asking for island trips to Redang, Perhentian and Tioman for better snorkelling experience as the water around these islands are clearer than Pulau Kapas. 

Pulau Kapas jetty

Pulau Kapas pristine beach

Pied Imperial Pigeons

Till next time. Happy birding.

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