3 August 2014


It has been almost three months since my last post in May. This is partly due to my busy work schedule, partly to fatigue and partly due to the injury i got when i fell by the roadside. I could not walk properly for a month because my ankle was swollen.

Last week was the "balik kampung"(yearly exodus to go back home for Eid celebration) 485km up North to Kangar, Perlis. It was a nightmare as a normal drive of 5-6 hours turned into a nightmare 19 hours drive due the traffic jam caused by the majority of Kuala Lumpur residents decided to leave the city at the same time! It was estimated around 1.6 million vehicles leaving Kuala Lumpur on that Saturday.

Since i went through hell just to reach Kangar, i decided to use the few days there to do some birding whenever the opportunities presented itself. Fortunately, it was fruiting season so there were plenty of birds flying around my father in-law's house. I managed to shoot a few species for your viewing below.

Brown-throated Sunbird (Kelicap Mayang Kelapa)

Yellow-bellied Prinia (Perenjak kuning)

Olive-winged Bulbul (Merbah Belukar)

Thanks for viewing.

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