5 August 2014


I am pleased to announce that i have reached my target of the first 100 bird species photographed as i mentioned in my previous post " Milestone Achieved" on 1 August 2014. Even though the number 100 is small compared to the total bird species in the whole of Malaysia which is somewhere near 800 species, it  still feels great to achieve my personal target of the first 100 species considering that i am not a full time birder. At least i have recorded one eighth of  the whole population and i still have not visited the many national parks in the Peninsular of Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak.

So the number can only go upward and i am looking forward to the challenge. The only thing i need now is more free time which is not easy to come by. It is not as easy as some people think as there are a lot of places which i visited are not as productive as i thought. It takes a lot of energy and time to search, detect and record all the species that i want and it also requires a lot of patience and luck to come across new species which i have not seen before. The actual species that i have encountered are a lot more but because i did not have just enough time to photograph some of them or the quality of the shots are so poor due to the poor lighting, so i just excluded them from the list.

So here is the list of the first 100 species of wild birds photographed by me and the locations that i photographed them for your reference:

            SPECIES                                                                               LOCATIONS

1. Asian Glossy Starling                                                                       Kuala Lumpur 
2. Asian Open-bill Stork                                                                       Rawang Selangor
3. Bronze Drongo                                                                                Fraser Hill
4. Black-naped Oriole                                                                          Penang Island             
5. Banded Woodpecker                                                                       FRIM
6. Black-winged Stilt                                                                            Perlis
7. Brahminy Kite                                                                                  Perlis
8. Black-shouldered Kite                                                                      Perlis
9. Black-thighed Falcon                                                                       FRIM
10. Blyth's Hawk-Eagle                                                                       Cameron Highland
11. Black-winged Flycatcher-Shrike                                                    Cameron Highland
12. Black-throated Sunbird                                                                  Fraser Hill
13. Blue-tailed Bee-Eater                                                                    Sepang Goldcoast
14. Blue-throated Bee-Eater                                                                Sepang Goldcoast
15. Blue Nuthatch                                                                                Cameron Highland
16. Brown Shrike                                                                                 Perlis
17. Black-crowned Night Heron                                                          Kuala Lumpur   
18. Black-hooded Oriole                                                                      FRIM
19. Brown-throated Sunbird                                                                Perlis  
20. Black Magpie                                                                                 Fraser Hill
21. Black-browed Barbet                                                                     Fraser Hill   
22. Black Swan                                                                                    Berjaya Hill Pahang
23. Brown Barbet                                                                                 Berjaya Hill Pahang
24. Collared Kingfisher                                                                        Sepang Goldcoast
25. Changeable Hawk-Eagle                                                               Perlis
26. Crimson-breasted Oriole                                                               Fraser Hill
27. Common Myna                                                                              FRIM
28. Common Sandpiper                                                                       Sepang
29. Chestnut-breasted Malkoha                                                                 FRIM
30. Common Iora                                                                                 Perlis
31. Chinese Pond Heron                                                                     Perlis
32. Common Crow                                                                              Kuala Lumpur
33. Eurasian Tree Sparrow                                                                 Perlis
34. Everett’s White-eye                                                                       Fraser Hill
35. Emerald Dove                                                                               Fraser Hill
36. Eastern Cattle Egret                                                                      Rawang Selangor
37. Fire-breasted Flowerpecker                                                          Fraser Hill
38. Fire-tufted Barbet                                                                          Fraser Hill
39. Greater Coucal                                                                             Perlis
40. Glossy Swiftlet                                                                              Perlis
41. Grey Wagtail                                                                                 Fraser Hill
42. Grey-chinned Minivet                                                                    Fraser Hill
43. Green Iora                                                                                     Fraser Hill
44. Greater racket-tailed Drongo                                                        Fraser Hill
45. Great Egret                                                                                   Perlis
46. Golden Leaf Babbler                                                                     Fraser Hill
47. Grey-breasted Spiderhunter                                                         Fraser Hill
48. Javan Myna                                                                                  FRIM
49. Javan Cuckoo-shrike                                                                    Fraser Hill
50. Little Cuckoo-dove                                                                        Fraser Hill
51. Long-tailed Sibia                                                                           Fraser Hill
52. Large Niltava                                                                                Fraser Hill
53. Little-pied Flycatcher                                                                    Fraser Hill
54. Lesser yellow-naped Woodpecker                                               Fraser Hill
55. Little Heron                                                                                   Kuala Lumpur 
56. Little Tern                                                                                      Perlis
57. Little Egret                                                                                    Perlis
58. Mountain Green Magpie                                                               Fraser Hill
59. Mountain Fulvetta                                                                         Fraser Hill
60. Mountain Bulbul                                                                           Fraser Hill
61. Malaysian Laughing-thrush                                                          Fraser Hill
62. Mountain Imperial Pigeon                                                            Fraser's Hill
63. Malayan Partridge                                                                        Fraser Hill
64. Mute Swan                                                                                   Berjaya Hill Pahang
65. Northern white-crowned Forktail                                                  Fraser Hill
66. Orange-bellied Leaf Bird                                                              Fraser Hill
67. Olive-back Sunbird                                                                       Penang Island
68. Olive-winged Bulbul                                                                     Perlis
69. Oriental Magpie Robin                                                                 FRIM
70. Ochraceous Bulbul                                                                      Cameron Highland
71. Paddyfield Pipit                                                                            Perlis
72. Pacific Swallow                                                                            Fraser Hill
73. Pink-necked green-pigeon                                                           Kuala Lumpur
74. Purple Heron                                                                               Rawang Selangor
75. Red-wattled Lapwing                                                                   Perlis
76. Red-eyed Bulbul                                                                          FRIM
77. Rock Pigeon                                                                                Kuala Lumpur
78. Red & Black Broadbill                                                                 FRIM
79. Rufous-bellied Swallow                                                               Perlis
80. Spotted Dove                                                                              Kuala Lumpur
81. Sunda Bush Warbler                                                                   Fraser Hill
82. Sultan Tit                                                                                     Fraser Hill
83. Streaked Spiderhunter                                                                Fraser Hill
84. Silver-eared Mesia                                                                      Fraser Hill
85. Spectacled Laughing-thrush                                                       Fraser Hill
86. Spectacled Bulbul                                                                       FRIM
87. Stripe-throated Bulbul                                                                 FRIM
88. Scally-breasted Munia                                                                Perlis
89. Stock-billed Kingfisher                                                                Perlis
90. Siver-breasted Broadbill                                                             Berjaya Hill Pahang
91. Tiger Shrike                                                                                Fraser Hill
92. Yellow-vented Bulbul                                                                  Fraser Hill
93. Yellow-rumped Flycatcher                                                          Fraser Hill
94. Yellow-bellied Prinia                                                                   Perlis
95. White-throated Kingfisher                                                           Sepang Goldcoast
96. White-bellied Sea Eagle                                                             Perlis
97. White-browed Shrike-Babbler                                                    Fraser Hill
98. White-throated Fantail                                                                Fraser Hill
99. Whiskered Tree Swift                                                                 Berjaya Hill Pahang 
100. White-rumped Munia                                                                Berjaya Hill Pahang
101. White-breasted Waterhen                                                        Sepang Goldcoast
102. Zebra Dove                                                                               Kuala Lumpur
103. Green-billed Malkoha                                                               Fraser's Hill 
104. Baya Weaver                                                                            Kedah

Now that i have achieved my first 100 species i hereby strive to add another 50 species to the list. I think the challenge to add another 50 species will be far greater than before as i need to go to places i have never been before deep into the jungle, national parks etc. which takes time, effort and money.

Till next time, happy birding.

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