15 April 2015


In 2013 i went for a 21 days Europe tour with my family spanning Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Holland, France and the UK. It was a very interesting and tiring trip for my family and me. We hardly stayed at any one hotel more than two days as we followed a very tight schedule. Bird photography? Well, i never planned for it, so i left all my birding gear at home and just brought a short lens Canon 24-105mm f4 with my Canon 5D MK3. It was a mistake because we encountered a lot of birds, the only problems was they were far away. I should have brought at least my Canon EF 70-300mm L lens, but i did not plan for any bird photography and the lens is quite heavy. So i had to rely on my Canon EF 24-105mm which is limited for bird photography.

So after going through my Europe photo archive lately i discovered a few photos of the lifers taken mostly in Amsterdam, Holland and London's Hyde Park which i like to share with you all. I hope someday i could go back there again just to do bird photography, God willing.

A Eurasian Coot in a pond in front of my Ibis Hotel in Amsterdam

A female and male(green head) Mallard Duck sun bathing on the bank of a canal in Amsterdam.
Note: The female was wrongly indentified as American Black Duck previously as highlighted
by a visitor. I appreciated everybody's help in identification and verification of various species
in this blog very much.

A female Mallard duck

A male Mallard Duck

A Hyde Park Feral Pigeon, London.

This one with brown patches

A white Pigeon, Hyde Park, London

A Wood Pigeon. Hyde Park, London

A Wood Pigeon in the grass. Hyde Park, London

Happy birding.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for highlighting the error. I appreciate very much your help in identifying and verifying various species in this blog in the future. Thanks again. Happy birding.
