5 May 2015


Place: Fraser's Hill
Local name: Helang Hindek Gunung
Date: 4th May 2015

This beautiful hawk is common in Fraser's Hill area. You will see it flying around looking for prey. It has a very distinctive black and white stripes on the chest/belly with white tail that has broad black bars. It also has long black crest on its head.

This is the first time i managed to photograph it perching on a dead tree propably resting or scanning for prey. The spot was in front of a private bungalow overlooking the valley. In order to get to this spot take Jalan Mager until you reach the Singapore Residence junction, then turn left and drive about 200meters. You will see the valley and a few dead trees along the road. You might also want to try the opposite road(right turn) near Berkat Resthouse and Chinese Primary School where i had a few sightings there.

Good luck.

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