18 May 2015


Place: Sepang Gold Coast, Selangor
Date: 17 May 2015
Local Name: Burung Pekaka Bakau

Yesterday i went to the Sepang Gold Coast hoping to photograph some seashore birds like the Sandpipers and Plovers. I was not sure they would be any around, just tried my luck, you would never know. The tide was low and the flat exposed for hundreds of meters toward the sea. It was a perfect condition for the shore birds to forage looking for crabs, small fish, snails and whatever they love to eat. Unfortunately, none showed up. I was frustrated.

The weather was overcast with a slight chance of rain, so the lighting was not fantastic. Not to worry because i shoot in RAW, it is very easy to adjust the exposure in Lightroom when i reach home.

Luckily, this little blue friend of mine was on the beach looking for crabs. The White-Collared Kingfishers are quite common in this area frequenting between the Casuarina trees where they perch and the beach right below them. Sometime they would perch on the concrete poles lining in the water marking the deeper areas. 

I managed to shoot some photos for your viewing below.

perching on a Casuarina tree scanning for crabs

flying fast to grab a crab

Got one!

fly back with a meal

taking time to swallow a crab

where did it go?

I swear i saw one crab just now!

Gotcha again!

My favorite perching pole

Back to where i started, enough crab for today.

Thanks for watching. Happy birding

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