5 May 2015


Place: Fraser's Hill, Jalan Girdle
Local name: Belatuk Kerdil Gunung
Date: 4th May 2015

I came across this species at the three-way junction of Jalan Girdle on the way to the Telekom Loop. I was not sure what it was as it was very tiny crawling on and under the branches looking for insects high up the trees. The size was propably less than 10cm or 4 inches long which is pushing the limit for my Canon 400mm f5.6 lens especially at a distance of more than 20meters up in the trees under the shade. For this shot i used the Canon 600 EX-RT with flash extender set at manual zoom 200mm + 1 flash compensation to reach the bird with enough exposure. I used widest aperture of f5.6, auto ISO and 1/1000 shutter speed.

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