5 May 2015


Place: Fraser Hill, Jeriau Waterfall
Local name: Burung Daun Bukit
Date: 4th May 2015

I went to the Jeriau Waterfall yesterday which is located about 4 kilometers downhill. Like always i was disappointed. I have never had any luck finding birds in the waterfall area save for a few Minivets, as long as i can remember. Yesterday it was the same story. But worst was the fact that i could not reach the waterfall due to the landslide that blocked the footpath and a stream that lead to the waterfall. Now, the last time i went to this place was in March this year, the landslide already happened. Hello! It has been two months and the collapsed slope and the trees still remained the way they were in March! Majlis Perbandaran Raub, the local authority in charge of maintaining Fraser Hill area, do we need to shout and highlight in the media before you start to take action? The waterfall is one of the features of Fraser Hill which attract the tourists, how long do you think the tourists will come here when there is nothing to do? Not everybody is a birder, not everybody is a golfer. Soon, when the birds are gone too, Fraser Hill will die a slow death.

So, after a 300meters walk to see the failed slope, i turned back and walked another 300meters to go back to the car parking lot to leave this place as it started to rain. As i entering my car, i saw movements in the trees in front. It was an Orange-bellied Leafbird looking for nectar from the red flowers. I managed to snap a few shots in the light drizzle with not so good light. I regret that i took the flash unit off, otherwise the images could have been better. Anyway, here are the photos for your viewing.

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