28 December 2018


Date: 27 December 2018
Time: Morning
Location: Fraser's Hill
Local Name: Rimba Kepala Merah
Spot: 10 meters into the jungle
Distance: Approx. 6-7 meters
Behaviour: Solitary, searching for food on the ground

25 December 2018


Date: 25 December 2018
Time: Morning
Location: Fraser's Hill
Local Name: Sambar Kubung Padi
Spot: 10 meters into the jungle
Distance: Approx. 6 meters away
Behaviour: Just stopping by and perching. Came with a female friend.

Male Large Niltava

Flash was used when it got too dark. The flash brings out the colors of the feathers.

Female Niltava 

Cheers, happy holidays to all birders.

24 December 2018


Date: 24 December 2018
Time: About noon
Location: Fraser's Hill
Local Name: Burung Daun Perut Oren
Spot: Approx. 3 meters from the jungle edge and up 5 meters on a big tree.
Distance: Approx. 10 meters away
Behaviour: Building a nest.

Today my birding started around 11.30 a.m by visiting my favourite spots along the Telekom Loop road. The day was overcast as it has been raining for the last couple of days with intermittent light rain.  My first spot did not produce anything. My second spot was near a private garage of an abandoned holiday house (never seen anyone here for so many years even though it still looks good). This spot was more lively with a few species of birds like Crows, Black-throated Sunbird, and Orange-bellied Leafbirds. I managed to photograph a female Orange-bellied Leafbird bringing food back to her nest on a big tree.

The bird noticed me standing below with a long lens pointing at her, snapping away a few shots, and was quite uneasy jumping around and making loud chirping sound. I think she was telling me to go away and leave her alone. The light was very low and without a flash it was quite hard to get  clear pictures, some more using an f8.0 lens combination. Below are some shots for your viewing.

My third spot along the Telekom Loop road did not produce anything. I could not complete my birding further along the loop road as it was closed halfway due to landslides. I drove to the Remnant Trail but it too was closed by the Forest Management due to landslides. My birding came to an end at 3.00 p.m due to heavy rain and thick mist afterwards.

Looks like I have to continue my birding tomorrow, the Christmas Day. For those celebrating Christmas, have a merry Christmas.


23 December 2018


Date: 23 December 2018
Time: Afternoon
Location: Frasers Hill
Local Name: Layang-layang Pasifik
Spot: On the roof of my hotel
Distance: Approx. 6-7 meters away
Behaviour: Resting and basking in the sunlight


Date: 22 December 2018

First night after arriving in Fraser's Hill for my last birding trip for year 2018. I did not do any birding at all for the first day as I was tired after two hours drive from Kuala Lumpur. There is no rush as I am going to be here for at least a week and I have photographed most of the birds seen here, except for a few rare ones. Those are what I am after for this trip.

However, during the first night the moon over the hill was full and bright. As the sky was clear I could not just ignore it. So, I took my Canon 5DMK3 with Canon 400 F5.6 and 1.4x teleconverter, and tried to shoot it handheld as my tripod was in the car. It was quite a heavy combination and without image stabilisation in the Canon 400 F5.6, any camera shake will produce a blurred picture. So, I set the shutter speed to 1/1000 sec, set the ISO at 200, aperture at F8.0 controlled my breathing and gently pressed the shutter button a few times.

I was quite pleased with the result considering I shot it handheld without IS and heavy set. Tomorrow I will start my birding, lets see if i get lucky finding rare birds to photograph.

Cheers. Happy holidays.