23 December 2018


Date: 22 December 2018

First night after arriving in Fraser's Hill for my last birding trip for year 2018. I did not do any birding at all for the first day as I was tired after two hours drive from Kuala Lumpur. There is no rush as I am going to be here for at least a week and I have photographed most of the birds seen here, except for a few rare ones. Those are what I am after for this trip.

However, during the first night the moon over the hill was full and bright. As the sky was clear I could not just ignore it. So, I took my Canon 5DMK3 with Canon 400 F5.6 and 1.4x teleconverter, and tried to shoot it handheld as my tripod was in the car. It was quite a heavy combination and without image stabilisation in the Canon 400 F5.6, any camera shake will produce a blurred picture. So, I set the shutter speed to 1/1000 sec, set the ISO at 200, aperture at F8.0 controlled my breathing and gently pressed the shutter button a few times.

I was quite pleased with the result considering I shot it handheld without IS and heavy set. Tomorrow I will start my birding, lets see if i get lucky finding rare birds to photograph.

Cheers. Happy holidays.

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